Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Why The Sickness After Detoxing with the MMS Solution?

By Ben Lee

It is unavoidable that a therapeutic predicament will develop when going through any course of elimination of toxins and harmful pathogens from the body. Many individuals feel that they are not yet ready to be more sickly and unwell even they have just started to move and wanted to become healthier.

Experiencing headaches, muscle and joint pain, nausea, sore throat and suffering from general malaise and flu-like symptoms after detox treatment is a common occurrence. Feeling ill after the treatment is actually your body's way of telling you that the treatment was effective.

The Herxheimer Reaction is nothing but a brief reaction when the body is undergoing detoxification. This reaction can last for days or some weeks depending on the duration of the detoxification. During this process indications like nausea, swelling, sore throat, feeling low or even flu like symptoms are quite common. As a matter of fact, these symptoms are actually a positive sign which signals to the elimination of all the pathogens like virus, bacteria and fungi. Most people tend to stop their medication due to these symptoms which is a grave error since they are actually stopping the very treatment which will make them better.

Though it's a well known and documented process, every person needs to go through the Herxheimer Reaction to achieve good health.

The common mistake that most individuals commit is when they cease the supplement or medication they are supposed to take to help drive the response from the body. Consequently, they also stop the treatment that is meant to actively make them feel better while undergoing the detoxification process. Even though this process has been recognized, the Herxheimer Reaction must lead its way in order to win through the side of health and strength.

Our body is in constant battle with the common pathogens throughout our lifetime. Whenever the body loses the fight, our health suffers the consequences. Without a strong immune system, our body is vulnerable to the onslaught of diseases. Not all of the diseases that we have previously suffered can totally be taken out of your system. In some cases, the strongest pathogens stay dormant and remain inside the body to develop more serious diseases in the future.

People should have understood by now, that we can acquire bacteria or microorganisms everywhere we go. It may be harmful or sometimes beneficial to the human body. The accumulation of pathogenic stressors begins from the time of birth. It continues to happen progressively and slowly that we often become unaware of. Normally, it's only after several years when we finally realize the fact that we are not as invulnerable as we once were. This realization shall never be ignored. More often than not, we blame it to aging and to the lifestyle choices we have previously taken where numerous pathogenic elements are to be blamed.

Chlorine dioxide was found have a powerful pathogen-killing action. Administering low dosages of this substance inside the body were proven effective in fighting diseases-causing body pathogens and parasites by promoting body detox. Hence, the pathogen-fighting action of chlorine dioxide results to Herxheimer reaction, which explains why most people get the impression that chlorine dioxide supplements tend to worsen their condition.

The best part about chlorine dioxide is that if it doesn't find anything harmful in the body, it won't work on anything else and will start disintegrating into harmless substances like water and carbon dioxide. Moreover there are no toxic by products as well.

MMS only has a little time to do what it does before it is entirely released from the body. Hence, it leaves no traces of chemicals or noticeable side affects unlike conservative medications.

The Miracle Mineral Supplement by Jim Humble packs a solid punch!

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