Sunday, 16 August 2009

Is the MMS Supplement Safe For Long Term Use?

By Ben Lee

This article is written in the spirit of informing those who may want to know about the long term effects upon the body for those that use MMS consistently. We all know that this supplement will quite often induce nausea, but many of us would be surprised to know that inflammation is produced as well. Inflammation in the short term increases blood flow to tissues in need, thus delivering extra nutritional support for healing to occur within damaged tissues and organs. This is fine and even necessary over the short period, but if the immune response is below what is required to remove invading microbes and diseased tissue, then this inflammation response becomes long lasting and thus damaging to the body. Inflammation has been found to be the driving mechanism behind many of today's chronic diseases.

Chlorine dioxide works so effectively to kill microbes because it's an oxidizer, and a powerful one at that. Substances that can oxidize within your body generally give you a strong immune response, which is why inflammation is often a nearly immediate response and can actually be necessary when the body is healing. Inflammation is the body's way to take care of the healing process and speed it up by giving additional nutritional support to the area that needs it, and it also makes it much faster and easier for the body to remove its metabolic wastes. Of course, inflammation is unpleasant in the short term, but it may very well be that short term inflammation is necessary to maintain health. Unfortunately, traditional medicine states that any inflammation is bad, and therefore this natural response is often suppressed with anti-inflammatory medications specifically designed to suppress inflammation. And that unfortunately means that the body's natural defenses against disease are thwarted before they can ever get started.

Chronic diseases become more common as we age. When chronic disease occurs, the body's natural antioxidant defenses decrease, and using MMS for a prolonged period of time will usually make the problem even worse. Because of this, it's a good idea to supplement what antioxidant support even as you consume MMS. You should consume your antioxidant supplements separately from MMS, because if you consume them to close together, they'll neutralize each other or cancel each other out. For example, you could take MMS just before breakfast and just before bedtime, and then take your antioxidants more in the middle of the day.

It doesn't matter what form you take your antioxidants in, either, whether they be supplements like vitamin C and E, the B vitamins, or substances like polyunsaturated oils, turmeric, berries, green tea and fresh fruit. Anything antioxidant is best taken apart from MMS.

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is a powerful supplement to protect structures sensitive to oxidization, like eyes, brain and heart. When you consume vitamin C, make sure you take at least one to two hours before or after you've taken your MMS, so that it is not neutralized upon contact with the chlorine dioxide molecule.

If you've somehow gotten hold of sodium chlorite and have ingested it, ingesting a large amount of clean (drinkable) water mixed with ascorbic acid should be taken over a period of two hours, because you can neutralize the chlorine dioxide compound in this way. After you've done this, if you need further relief, you can induce vomiting to get rid of anything left in the stomach.

As you can see, too much of anything is not a good thing, and this can be said also of the miracle mineral supplement. So take heed, and remember that health is a multifaceted consideration, but with diligence and time, the body always strives for equilibrium, thus allowing health to return.

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