Saturday, 8 August 2009

What Can Make Gourmet Sugarfree Chocolates Taste Delicious?

By Caryn Smith

Almost everyone loves the delicious taste of gourmet chocolates but some people need to be careful when eating sugars. Whether it is due to diabetes and weight consciousness, there are a number of new sugar free chocolates that are on the market to enjoy. Some of the best and top quality gourmet sugar free chocolate sweetener choices are covered here for you to choose from.

Maltitol - Without a doubt maltitol currently heads the list as the top sugar substitute for diabetic chocolates and gourmet sugarfree chocolates with it's natural sugar taste with substantially less calories. Many makers of gourmet sugar free chocolates and other diabetic candies have made this the most popular sweetener. It is made from a form of malt sugar, or what is called hydrogenated maltose. An increasing number of diabetic chocolates and sugar free chocolate baked goods are using this to provide the sweetness without the calories.

Sucralose - This sweetener is known as Splenda in stores and has no calories. It was developed in the United Kingdom and has quickly gained in popularity as well as widespread use since then. Considered the most popular sugar substitute on the market and you will find it in prepared foods and in some sugarfree chocolates and other candies.

Erythritol - This natural sugar alcohol has absolutely no calories nor does Erythritol have any effect on your blood sugar. With no calories, it's a perfect solution for dieters thought it's only about 2/3 as sweet as natural sugar. For those that may have some stomach issues with other forms of sugar substitutes, especially Xylitol, generally find this one easier on the stomach and digestion.

Stevia - As a common herbal sugar substitute, a number of major confectioners have begun experimenting with Stevia in their recipes. While it has virtually no impact upon blood sugar, it is even sweetener than natural sugar and has been used in a new generation of soft drink products, marketed as Truvia. You can generally find Stevia in health-store based products, although it is becoming more common in the mass market.

The bottom line is that diabetics and others watching their weight can now enjoy truly delicious sugar free chocolates. With some many different sweeteners now being used, enjoying diabetic chocolates and gourmet sugarfree chocolates is possible without having to worry about your blood sugar levels. They now come lower in calories and with great taste so you don't have to pass up on some scrumptious chocolate creations because of your health. Gourmet sugar free chocolatiers and diabetic chocolate manufacturers are testing, trying and creating sugarfree chocolates that taste as good as traditional chocolates but without the extra calories or health impact.

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