Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Can The Cayenne Pepper Diet Ruin Your Metabolism?

By Susan Wells

There are many myths that accompany various diets. One myth leaves many people to wonder, "can your metabolism be destroyed by the cayenne pepper diet?". Before tackling this myth, perhaps it would be best to delve deeper to fully understand the diet. To begin with, anyone can plainly see that because of the restrictions of carbohydrates and proteins, this diet can take a toll on the individual.

The goal of this program is to cleanse or flush out all the unwanted, harmful toxins that cling to your intestinal walls. While medical professionals are on the fence about this idea of cleansing, many of them agree that some waste does remain within in the form of buildup that the body cannot reject on its own.

Increasing numbers of the population are seeing the importance of flushing these unwanted and hazardous toxins. This is so because partly people are realizing that the world is now changed and our foods are contaminated with various chemicals and drugs, and our air and water are polluted. These factors cause our system stress and an overload, something that may not have existed in previous centuries.

Once a successful cleansing is performed, it results in a clean slate. It cleans out everything and allows you to start all over again. One should not worry about whether cleansing is safe or not. Any healthy individual can follow this diet, and rest assured that he/she is safe. If you are really interested in doing this diet but genuinely concerned about its safety, ask your doctor about it to ease your mind.

Some people have raised doubts that this type of cleansing can ruin one's metabolism. This is a false statement. The cayenne pepper diet will not harm any healthy individual, so long as the plan is followed accordingly. Perhaps it is a misunderstanding of some sort, as while on the program, the metabolism is slowed.

If it weren't for the cayenne pepper, the metabolism would actually shut down. This goes to show that it was formulated to keep those on the diet safe and healthy. And, this is the reason why it is so important to follow the program properly. That is why there are three steps involved in this program: the easing in, drinking the solution, and the easing out. The first and third steps enable the body to adjust.

Exercise is key to maintaining your metabolism. Although you may find it extremely difficult to find the energy and exercise, try to muster up any strength you may have. This will enable your metabolism to work more steadily. The speed of your metabolism is directly related to muscle mass. The amount of calories you burn depends on your muscle mass.

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