Monday, 17 August 2009

The Best Way to Use Miracle Mineral Supplement

By Ben Lee

For a number of years this wondrous Miracle Mineral Supplement that is Jim Humble's has been helping people, and now that a whopping 15,000 units are being packed and shipped during a month to all parts of this world, it is quite difficult not to admit its success rate. More people are coming forward all the time that have had good luck with the MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) for treating their health issues from serious down to just dandruff, it is truly difficult to find any complaints on this product. The same cannot be said for several pharmaceutical products used for the same purposes.

There have been several versions of instructions on how to use the MMS, most are just people's interpretations of the directions though. The only best way to get the results you want is to use the directions that Jim Humble originally wrote, we will make certain you totally understand his directions for MMS.

Before we get into this, it is vital for you to know that MMS has to have acid to activate it, you will need either lemon juice, citric acid, or acetic acid for this purpose. We actually have found the best results using citric acid. Use 5 parts (drops) citric acid to 1 part (drop) MMS. Most of the MMS kits being sold through the market now have 5 times the amount you need for the enclosed MMS.

Here is a basic outline of how to take the MMS:

The First Step - Start initially by taking only 1 drop daily, and do these for the first few days.

The Second Step - Now increase the dosage to 1 drop two times daily, do one in the morning and then one at night. If no signs of nausea appears, then the next day increase to taking 2 drops in the morning and in the evening, and increase by one drop daily. An example of this is on day 3 you would be taking 3 drops morning and night (of course mixed with the right quantity of the activator).

Now you need to repeat this routine until you get up to the max of taking 15 drops twice a day is attained, o until signs of detoxing occur like in having diarrhea, nausea, or throwing up. If a point of resistance is attained or any of the listed symptoms occur, you then need to lower the dosages for about 2 to 3 days by around 1 to 2 drops. Then maintain this point until all the bad side effects have gone.

Step Number 3 is to use the procedure listed in the step number 2 to reach 15 drops taken two times a day without any episodes of nausea. Only then increase taking MMS 3 times daily taking the 15 drops per dose, keep doing this for a week. Then you change to the dose for maintenance which is 5 drops taken two times a week for the younger folk, and for the older folks it is 5 to 7 drops daily.

Finishing Point - At the end of this regimen, your body will have a very low quantity of mold, bacterial, or yeast activating going on. You need to understand that any nausea or other side effects that happen are signs that a crisis is happening with your body healing, and it is vital that you stay with it. Understand that the nausea you have is a sign that one of your body's invaders is making a last stand, and they have decided to go out fighting.

Just stick in there diligently when taking MMS and you will reap the rewards of a healthier body!

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