Monday, 3 August 2009

Renew Your Youthfulness

By Anju Mathur, M.D.

No matter how much you enjoy your "golden years," it would be extremely rare to find a person over 50 (or even 40) who does not wish to be physically young again. Certainly most do not want to give up the "wisdom of age," but old bodies just wear out, they don't work as well as they did when they were 20, they're just...well...old!

Getting older is something that just happens. A body doesn't function like it did 20 or 30 or 40 years ago. Pharmaceuticals have been invented to distract from or cover up the ravages of old age, but they do not "cure" it. However, "fixing" the damage done to the body by age is a workable way to slow, alleviate or even reverse the effects of time, by making physical changes to the body.

For example, because hormone production slows down as a person gets older, and hormones are needed to keep a body in shape, accurate testing and diagnosis to determine hormone levels can be done to determine what bioidentical hormones are needed as supplements to slow or reverse aging. Bioidentical hormones are just that - they are not substitutes for horomones, but are identical to the hormones the body produces. With accurate tests, these hormones can be supplied to the body in the correct amount needed to bring back a younger-feeling body and even zest for life.

The three important things in this program (called BHRT for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy) are:

1. A doctor's evaluation of the current situation and observation of symptoms - eg. excess fat, loss of sex drive, feeling muddled, etc.

2. Diagnostic tests to find out how much of specific hormones are being produced by the glandular system.

3. Supplying the body with sufficient amounts of the hormones that are lacking.

Excess body weight, low energy, bad memory, hot flashes, "the jitters," and many other symptoms are not something that one wants to carry from age 40 or 50 or 60 for the rest of one's life. By following the medical plan for hormone replacement, these symptoms gradually lessen over time and often disappear completely.

You can gain a healthy, vital and active "old age," whether it be 10 or 50 more years.

When hormone replacement therapy is combined with proper nutrition and exercise, the results can be astounding. There's no need for you to feel old, crotchety, forgetful and slow. Do something about it, and enjoy life with your grandchildren!

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