Sunday, 15 November 2009

Keeping Up With the Youngsters

By Landon Corton

If you said to me that I would be where I am today I wouldn't believe you. When you are young you are supposed to be in your prime. From'-23 I was in very good condition, at the top of my game athletically speaking and never had much of an issue with the ladies or controlling the field or the court.

In order to get the most out of the players during the games a strict practice schedule is put into place. Players are asked to compete during practice to get better athletically at their chosen sport and then at the end there is a "conditioning period" set up to get the players in to better condition. It all boils down to on-field performance as every coach wants the players to play their best on the field during games.

Weight programs and jump training were very common forms of pre-season training in the sport I played. On field drills designed to help us athletically with team building drills were all common place. This was all designed to get us in to shape both physically and mentally, and I was ready to play that is for sure and in very good shape as a result.

If you told me 15 years ago that when I hit my 30's I would still be in excellent condition I wouldn't have believed you. I didn't want my heath to slip so I focused on being smarter about my workouts. Thanks to my persistence I am able to out work many of the younger athletes when I am on the field. The secret was learning to work smarter not harder at your workouts. This includes eating the right food and your intensity level while working out. Both make a huge difference in your results.

Intensity was the first smart workout technique I learned. If you are working out just to workout you won't get the same results you could get if you simply increased your intensity. It isn't easy to turn things up in the gym but if you go to the gym to get results instead of just going to the gym to say you went to the gym you might surprise yourself.

Food was my second secret to a great workout. Once I shifted the way I ate not only did I workout better I worked out smarter. The food you eat has the power to take you and your fitness ability to the next level.

I hope these few secrets give you the vote of confidence to get back on the court or field and participate with these young guys. I think it will shock you to see that you can actually keep up, well until you get your first injury, those take longer to heal.

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