Monday, 30 November 2009

Indoor Air Pollution - Did You Know Your Home is More Polluted Than the Air Outside?

By Ruth Price

When it comes to breathing in your home, did you ever think it could be unhealthy? The shocking truth is that indoor air pollution is a bigger problem than pollution in the air outside of our homes!

Symptoms of Home Pollution

We are often unaware of what this pollution does to our bodies, to such an extent that many of us don't even think of it. However, pollution can have a number of negative effects on our health, leading to symptoms such as...

Fever, Headaches, Nausea, Fatigue, Cancer, Irritability, Depression, Dizziness, Anxiety, Respiratory problems, And more!

Sources of This Pollution

Whilst our homes are becoming more insulated and helping to save us money on heating, this has a negative side effect in that it's much harder for all of the toxins to escape. And these toxins can come from a wide range of sources, including natural ones.

You might not realise it, but many of our common household products are absolutely full of chemicals that contribute to the toxins present in the air of our homes. This can include our cleaning products, our cosmetics, and even the paint on our walls!

How to Reduce Levels of Pollution

The good news is that we can start following green living tips to help reduce the use of products that contain all of these chemicals.

However, you shouldn't be put off by thinking that you need to change everything about your home to make it more healthy. In fact, you could start by simply ventilating the home once a day to allow fresh air to circulate. And you can also buy a few plants to keep the air fresh.


Over time you'll learn more measures about what it takes to have a more healthy home.

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