Sunday, 18 October 2009

Ninety Percent Of All Men Sixty And Older Suffer From Prostate Issues Heres How You Can Be Amoung The Lucky Top Ten Percent

By Robert Read

Ninety percent of all men in their sixties and seventies suffer from the same fate. If someone told you about an all natural supplement that could reduce your risk of prostate cancer and increase your prostate health so that later on in life you would not have to suffer the same fate would you listen. Well here comes the straight scoop.

Your prostate gland over time grows, in your twenties it weights 11 grams by your seventies it well weigh 31 grams. This growth causes side effects that range from bladder control issues to erectile disfunction. This medical issue is called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH for short.

Ninety percent of all men in their sixties and seventies complain of some sort of prostate issue. As your prostate grows in size it pinches of the urethra and restricts the amount of urine flow. Symptoms include urinary hesitation, painful urination and erectile dysfunction. If left untreated surgery may be required. BPH and Prostate Cancer share The same symptoms but Prostate Cancer can come on very rapidly. This is why even as a young man you should have your prostate checked regularly.

By feeding your prostate the the minerals and herbs that it requires to function properly and re-new itself you can avoid these issues in your life. Here is a list of minerals and herbs that you should look for in any dietary supplement dealing with your prostate.

*Zinc Chelate is a primary building block in the formation of RNA and DNA

*Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that protects your cells membranes. Studies show that daily usage can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 33% and the death rate by 41%.

*Selenium activates an enzyme called Glutathione Peroxidase. Case studies have shown a 65% drop in prostate cancer rates in men who consume daily amounts of Selenium.

*Saw Palmetto studies have shown that Saw Palmetto reduces the amount of Dihydrotestoeron DHT that causes the prostate to grow.

*Lycopene Extract studies have shown that People who eat large amounts of tomatos and tomato products high in lycopene have a 21%decreased risk of developing prostate cancer.

*Corn Silk Powder Extract is used in the treatment of cyctits, ureithritis and prostatitis and is helpful for any irritation of the urinary system.

*Enhinacea Angustifolia Root is vital in the production of white blood cell.

*Nettle Leaf effects hormone and proteins that carry testosterone and estrogen to the body.

*Cranberry Extract prevents e-coli bacteria from building up in the bladder.

*Parsley Powder Extract cleanses the kidneys, liver and bladder.

*Cayenne Pepper 40,000 HU is a major heart and circulatory stimulant and reduces pain.

*Curcumin Standardized extract is a strong antioxidant that protects the liver and reduces platelet formation which intern increases blood circulation.

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