Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Attempt This Female Hair Loss Remedy

By Steve Matthews

Female hair loss can be a devastating and socially unbearable condition. As our culture glorifies beautiful, lengthy, full, dense hair, sufferers of hair loss are cowering under hats and wigs, feeling isolated and glum, and going through huge anxiety during intimate times with their husbands or lovers.

On the job can be just as bad. There is always that feeling that others are whispering their comments or giving sorrowful looks of sympathy. No one really knows how it feels unless they experience it for themselves. The right female hair loss remedy can vary widely, dependent upon age, cause and general body condition.

The initial step that you can take is to meet a physician, because hair loss can indicate the onset or existence of some diseases, such as Diabetes, and this factor needs to be factored out. It's also a possibility that a bacterial or fungal infection is happening if your scalp is itchy and scaly. Fortunately, these can be resolved easily.

Women who experience hair loss during or immediately following pregnancy or after surgery should not be alarmed. Chances are, these are temporary conditions and will right themselves. Poor diet and lack of exercise can be culprits as well. The important thing is to rule out any of the simpler, temporary causes and set your mind at ease.

For others, hair loss is considered a permanent condition. Whether a result of heredity or hormones, it is there to stay unless treatments can be successful.There are separate treatments for the reduction in the rate of hair loss and for the potential regrowth of hair that is already gone.For reduction in rate only, the following suggestions are widely made.

1 - You should avoid shampoos that contain surfactants, because they actually damage hair with their lathering properties.

Stop the use of dry heat, such as from curling irons or blow dryers, and style your hair in ways that doesn't require any heat.

3 - Treating or dying your hair can aggravate the hair loss situation- if you find yourself losing hair, stop the treatments and see what happens.

4 - Plan your diet: nutritionally balanced meals, specifically rich in protein and natural oils can provide good health benefits.

5 - Exercise more to increase the blood supply to your scalp: Increased blood supply can help to keep follicles healthy and producing.

6 - Try to reduce your reactions to stress and anxiety: If you have normal stressors that are typical in your day, find time to relax and get peaceful. Yoga and other forms of meditation can help to reduce your stress and anxiety.

7 - Use natural remedies: In a range of mixtures, essential oils and herbs can be spread on the scalp, aiding follicles in staying open and healthy.

For reduction in rate and the potential of regrowth, there are a variety of medical options. These are advertised through all media, and most include research results which show the levels of effectiveness. Some contain both man-made chemicals and natural ingredients, some one or the other.

The best way to find out what kind of female hair loss remedy suits you is to experiment, so go ahead and do plenty of research. To see whether a treatment is working for you, it is important to stay hopeful since it can take up to 180 days to see results. Be sure you use female equivalents of medicines such as rogain, provillus, and propecia only for women.

Some women accept wigs and hair extensions, which can provide relief, as their permanent solutions. Surgery costs a lot, although so many do it all the time. Transplanting hair from the back of the head where it is thicker is the best solution for treating female pattern baldness. For significant hair loss, hair graft surgery could help.

Thankfully, there is loads of money to solve this concern. To improve medicinal preventions and therapies, research labs are running continuously throughout the globe. There is progress in this area, and folks in search of a female hair loss remedy would be wise to follow new research.

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