Thursday, 3 September 2009

Get Help for Major Clinical Depression

By Sean Davids

Occasionally, anybody feels down, but there is a major difference between these feelings and those of major clinical depression. The majority of individuals sometimes experience issues in their lives that are too much to deal with, and so they feel melancholy. At times we might want to just disappear and avoid our responsibilities. We eventually feel better again, despite whatever the causes for these feelings are.

Some people, however, do not get better. Indeed, the condition might intensify and persist for an extended period of time. For a few, such feelings end up staying for months or even years, and when this occurs, it is known as major clinical depression.

Has your desire to stay away from others resulted in the loss of friends or contact with family members? Are you always on edge, starting fights without cause? Has your career gone down the toilet owing to your inability to concentrate or excessive missed time? Did your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife leave you because of your moody presence, or even because of drug or alcohol abuse? You might have major clinical depression if you answered yes to any of the above.

Many individuals with major clinical depression go through a period of denial, and pleas from family and friends begging them to get help for their problem will fall on deaf ears. They claim they aren't depressed, they are just different now, and others ought to accept that. These statements demonstrate the way the mind fools someone into believing they are okay. However feeling this way and isolating yourself from friends and family to the damage of your personal life is not normal. Major clinical depression can affect anyone, and the only way to alleviate it is to seek help.

An individual suffering major clinical depression has two options to treat it. Either they admit to their difficulties on their own, or other people close to them force such an admission. It is sad, but an individual suffering from major clinical depression will normally need to hit rock bottom before they look for aid. Some refuse to accept that they have a problem, refusing medication or professional counseling.

Many times an intervention must be staged, where friends and family face the person with the concerns in his or her life. This helps in starting the cure for major clinical depression and saves the life of many people.

About the Author:

1 comment:

  1. Depression is not just simple sadness that all people feel sometimes. Depression is a serious emotional problem that makes you feel devoid of physical and emotional energy, it combines with a persisting sense of hopelessness and often self-hatred. I want to share a self help program which help in treating depression .
