Saturday, 19 September 2009

The Best Natural Cure for Hemorrhoids

By Sandy Rowde

When it comes to hemorrhoids treatment, a lot of people are more comfortable using natural treatments rather than medical or surgical. Based on the testimonials of these people, one can truly say that they have succeeded in using the natural procedures because they had really sought relief from hemorrhoids through it.

It is still best, however, to consult first your doctor before taking into application a natural cure for hemorrhoids or also known as the natural remedies. In this manner, there will be no drug interactions and that pre-cautionary measures will be observed.

Herbal medicines and dietary supplements are said to be great remedies for hemorrhoids. Its certain effects include strengthening of hemorrhoids tissues, making it to withstand all the pressures that directs towards it. Herbs such as horse chestnut, bromelain, grape seeds extract, butcher's broom, and flavonoids can help ease pain from hemorrhoids. Drinking pure aloe juice is also said to be effective in easing pain and itchiness.

The application of hemorrhoids cream or ointment that has herbs distilled in it can also be another example of a natural cure for hemorrhoids. Cream or ointments that have natural solution such as aloe vera, honey and cranesbill can be dab on the affected area to minimize burning sensation.

Taking hot tub baths several times a day can also help shrink external hemorrhoids. Sitting on lukewarm water for ten to twenty minutes can help relieve pain and irritation. The "hotness" of water can also help elevate chances of the hemorrhoids to shrink. The water should as hot as you can stand it. After taking tub baths, affected area should be pat dry to avoid moisture sticking in to the swollen tissue. A hemorrhoid cream can be applied after. Drinking cups of strong chamomile tea can also be a good remedy for the hemorrhoids.

Developing and maintaining a fibrous diet is also one way of curing hemorrhoids naturally. Fibrous diet includes eating green leafy vegetables, rice, cereals, fruits, dried peas and whole grains. Fibers are said to be good aids for digestion. It ensures clean and soft bowels, which are just being needed for a smooth and easy bowel movement. A person who has hemorrhoids cannot afford to undergo the pain of constipation. Constipation is brought by large and dry bowel resulting to intense pushing (or straining) during defecation. The intense pressure in constipation might result to rupture and bleeding of hemorrhoids.

To prevent your hemorrhoids from worsening, drinking the right amount of water everyday can also help. Regardless of an individual having suffered hemorrhoids or not, still it is very ideal to drink at least eight (8) glasses of water daily. Water is a very important element in the body. Aside from making blood circulation normal, it also help in cleaning the walls of the intestines and making bowel movement smooth and easy.

Cleaning the rectum too often can cause irritation, and eventually, hemorrhoids. People have this perception that in order for hemorrhoids to heal faster, the anal canal or rectum should be cleansed all the time. Excessive rubbing of the hemorrhoids might lead to further irritation and less chances of rapid healing. It is ideal to just gently clean the rectum twice a day with hemorrhoids cream mixed with witch hazel. Petroleum jelly and other lubricants can also help the hemorrhoid to heal itself.

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