Friday, 11 December 2009

Studies Show Cancer Cells Die With Acai Berries

By Americo Tognetti

A study recently conducted at the University of Florida in Gainesville on the properties of an extract of the acai berry produced some surprising results. When exposed to acai berry extract, cancer cells died. These were cancer cells which have proven to be resistant to other treatments. This was the first of many studies planned on the properties of the acai berry in cases of cancer.

Leukaemia cells were exposed to the acai berry extract in this study - and 86% of these cells self destructed! Already known as a good source of antioxidant compounds, this study has shown yet another possible use for these nutritional powerhouses. This figure of 86% was confirmed for us by an assistant professor at the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Studies.

There may be other fruit-based antioxidants and other compounds which are effective against leukaemia and other cancers, but all of the research done so far is preliminary since there are many other factors which must be accounted for in these studies. The data from the University of Florida acai study, however, shows great promise thus far.

Australia has jumped on board, promoting a diet that is derived from exotic fruits, namely acai, noni, goji, and mangosteen. Promotions here are running high for various juices made with all natural fruits. Antioxidant properties have been found in many of these native fruits.

A study from March of this year in Brisbane, Australia focused on the differences between the antioxidants sourced from olive leaves and those occurring in these tropical fruits and juices. This study showed some antioxidant properties to be present in olive leaves, but those done on acai berries have been more conclusive in their results.

The most exciting of these studies on fruits are those which have focused on their effects on various forms of cancers, particularly leukaemia. Researchers both in the U.S. and in Australia have been working towards a cure for some time for this lethal cancer which is the largest killer of those aged under 20 in the world.

So far, all of the research is still preliminary and there is much more to be learned about the anti cancer properties of these fruits. The acai berry, for example, contains nearly 75 chemical compounds and the exact properties of many of these are as yet unknown. The acai berry is a difficult fruit to study due to its extremely short shelf life.

Acai berries are similar in size to a blueberry, when ripe are a dark purple colour, and have a seed inside. When they are picked, if they are not used immediately or frozen, they decompose. Because they come from the Amazon River floodplains the options for freezing them for a long journey are not as viable as the alternative.

The most accessible option for importing into Australia is the acai powder which results from the pulp being dehydrated and freeze-dried. The resulting powder is easier and cheaper to export and can be used to make pure acai supplements that have all the nutritional benefits of the original fruit. Moreover, the freeze-dried powder has all the health-giving properties of the berry itself.

Although studies are only preliminary for now, the hope that one day leukaemia and other cancers will be cured is still alive. The sad fact is that leukaemia strikes more children than adults. For the children who suffer from this disease, the day that such a cure is found will be a great day indeed.

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