Sunday, 5 July 2009

Why Natural Healing Is The Way Of The Future

By Sandra Clarke

Many of us will have been taught to hide or cure our physical symptoms on our own, or even to have surgery or medication to get rid of them. When we actually do this, we are telling our subconciousness that, as an individual, we aren't important, and we insist that we haven't the time to heal ourselves naturally. But, if we look at the first symptoms that we have had, then we can treat these as the first indication that something is untoward. We can treat ourselves with natural remedies and cure most of our health related issues. You will find that your body will tell you the truth and you will learn from your own emotions and challenges.

When I looked at myself in the mirror I could see that my own emotional pain was a "physical art form," and it could transform before my very eyes to cure a devastating disease. By the time I was 35, I was comfortable in my new clothes, home and car. There were a number of different large firms who hired me to help complex business problems they were going through, and it was common for me to work 12 hour days.

However, one day came and it was all over. I was with a medical specialist who diagnosed me with rosacea - an incurable, deforming, disfiguring facial skin disease. By treating myself as a machine that would continue non-stop had caught up with me. I would see no mercy from the disease as it continued to worsen over the next 5 years. All of my financial resources were spent going to medical specialists and naturopathic practitioners - I wanted to understand how my own immune system could heal and repair my own body.

I believed in the body being in its own environment and chose not to take any form of medication. After I had spoken to over fifty doctors, I still found myself searching for the answers. I became determined in proving that there was something that could help me heal myself naturally, but after all this time I maybe doubted myself.

By the time I had reached 40, my skin was red and looked inflamed, and I would need to rid myself of boils on a daily basis. Also, the sight was going in my eyes and I could not read or drive any longer. This made a huge impact on the dreams I had about travelling and seeing the world, and I came to realise why people actually take their own lives because of the pain they are going through.

A few years later I went to visit a Chinese doctor who diagnosed me with something different from the other physicians. He believed the disease was not simply just my face, but included the natural biological rhythms of my body being out of harmony. He said this resulted in my face being directly affected due to emotional fear and stress. Also, he saw other signs that my body was exhausted when he examined me. He said that my body looked frail, and that I should find peace at whatever price. I was so glad that he had given me a different opinion.

After this encounter I decided to begin emotional therapy. I first addressed the fears which had consumed me since my diagnoses, and then went back further through my past. I looked to face my work addiction and decided that I needed to treat my mental disease of being a workaholic - as I had denied a lot of personal things in life. I had felt a personal feeling of worthiness and thus needed to push the addiction forward. I wanted to stay busy and this resulted in exhaustion which caused me to feel angry and resentful because I had done this. I had served others for many years and this had impacted negatively on me and I didn't stop doing it until my friends stopped me.

After sharing my story for over a year, after crying and trying to release pent-up emotions and an addiction to work in the local community I came across a miracle. I healed physically without scars and the sight in my eyes returned to normal. I had been on a healthy diet and exercise regularly for years which helped my body in the transformation. It was a program that I had worked out for myself that helped my body heal naturally and I did not have to take medications.

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