Sunday, 31 January 2010

Acai Berry Products

By Pete Roberts

Pure acai berry products are come in a variety of forms. You can usually find these acai berry products in capsules, or powder forms. The most popular form is acai berry juice. Acai berry products are one of natures greatest supplements to hit the market in the last few years.

Acai berry tastes like blueberry's with a hint of chocolate or cinnamon. The powder mixes well with yogurt or smoothies. Acai powder or juice mixes well with other juices and could be used in recipes that involve an acai berry diet. When mixed with other juices it make a real refreshing flavor or beverage.

Pure acai berry products have one of the highest ORAC values available for any known berry. It is much higher than blueberry or pomegranate. What you will not find in pure acai berry products are added sugars or fillers. If your acai berry product has added sugars or fillers that may be the reason it is such a good deal. Some products contain a form of sugar called guarana it is also a filler and may not be 100% organic.

Pure acai berry products have many benefits and are loaded with protein, fiber, potassium and A and C vitamins. The other amazing property this berry has it it also has essential fatty acids Omegas 3, 6 and 9 these good fats are vital for the overall health of our body. Acai berry products is the number one antioxidant that contains omegas 3, 6 and 9. No other berry contains all these nutrients.

If you are looking for pure acai berry products or if your on an acai berry diet look for products that do not contain sugar. If your diabetic or need to avoid sugar due to inflammation you need pure acai berry products not ones that are loaded with sugar or fillers. You need a product that is kosher and certified Brazilian acai berry and it should be processed and refined at the source. The best acai berry products are 100% organic and USDA certified.

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Clearing Your Chakras and Cleansing Your Life

By Jai Dahalli

Surviving and competing nowadays requires a lot of courage and determination, you have to be able to come up with newer ideas and thoughts to achieve the targets you have set. Also at the same time keeping alive the will and the passion to succeed is very crucial and is an important determinant of your success.

There are various other determinants of uninterrupted growth which include the body strength as well as the mental makeup and the passion within the heart of an individual. A fairly crucial part is played by centres of spiritual energy in your body as they help in development of the persona of an individual.

The chakras are the source that can allow your will and desires to process into ability and skill which lead to your achievement of success with the desired results. However if not given proper attention these skills may reach a point of stagnation and hence require constant process of up gradation which is the called chakra clearing.

These chakras are placed at varied points in our body and all of them are related to different types of behavior and character. It is hence quite important that you can work on each one of them individually.

Clearing chakras involves the release of the toxic energy within the body into the environment and capturing the positivity from the surroundings.

Your body movements that are anticlockwise are said to be movements that help the removal of negative energy while clockwise movements bring in the positive vibes.

Due to the inflow and outflow of energy there can be pain experienced in various body parts but that is just a proof of occurrence and not a side effect.

The energy obtained by means of exchange in the process of chakra clearing is said to come from the planets and are used by man to channelize his efforts optimally.

Once your chakras are cleared you will find a newer self in front of you, while many practise this on a regular basis, the intervals do vary as per the need and intent of individuals.

You would see that after clearing chakras you would be able to develop a better ability to respond to various situations, also you would find yourself discovering newer thoughts and ideas, in fact people are able to see a newer side of their personality often after they have cleared and balanced their chakras.

The process of clearing chakras can start by paying attention to 1-2 of the circles of energy in your body and in the process try to get all your chakras cleared as only then you will be able to enjoy the advantage of your energies. People would be able to experience peace of mind as well as they tend to be relaxed.

The chakras that need you attention can be known by the kind of reaction they give to your body and it will not take years of learning or knowledge to understand the indications, it would happen naturally, once you know you can work on the body part that related to the chakra.

The amount of competition in all fields today is tremendous and you have to be very agile. In case you do not have the apt approach or there is an imbalance of the energies in your body, the execution of your skills and talents into effective results would be very difficult.

The spiritual energy has a potential role to play in the success of an individual in all fields and that has been realised by people practising this art. Also efforts are being made to understand the science of chakras in a better way.

You can bring a lot to your life in terms of happiness, satisfaction, achievements and success if you can practise and implement the fundamentals of chakras. A lot depends on how you approach it, chakra clearing would help you to approach your goals with a freshness of mind and body!

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Saturday, 30 January 2010

Causes of UTI

By Aneron Kepasil

UTIs, or urinary tract infections, affect millions of people every year. They are most common in women, but men and children are susceptible as well. UTIs occur when bacteria attaches to the urethra's (the tube that lets urine flow from the bladder to the outside of the body) opening and multiply. Nearly all UTIs are caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli), bacteria which normally lives in the colon. People suffering from urinary tract infections can experience frequent urination, back pain, burning when urinating, pressure around the bladder or generalized fatigue and weakness, while others have no symptoms at all.

Homeopathic remedies may be used to treat UTI infections and the resulting symptoms. The specific homeopathic remedy chosen will depend on the symptoms being addressed. Belladonna is often used to treat UTI infections in which the urge to urinate is frequent and intense. Those who fail to pass a normal amount of urine can benefit from Clematis. Sarsaparilla is a good choice for those who have not had success in treating the UTI infection with other remedies. However, homeopathic remedies can be confusing and difficult to choose from without the help of a qualified homeopathic practitioner.

If you are unable to visit your doctor after symptoms appear, there are several natural remedies to bring relief.
1)At the first sign of infection, mix teaspoon of baking soda into a eight-ounce glass of water. Baking soda increases the acid-base balance in your system, bringing down the acidity in your urine.
2)Stay hydrated. Though it may feel as if you need to urinate every few minutes, your body is still craving fluids. Cleansing your body with water will move along any unwanted bacteria.
3)Known for its power of fighting the common cold, Echinacea can be helpful in battling your UTI. Taking two capsules three times a day can start you on the path back to wellness.
4)Possibly the most well known natural form of relief is cranberry juice. It works by not allowing bacteria to cling to cells lining the urinary tract and offers quick relief. While tart in flavor, cranberry juice is often one of the fastest and most effective ways to eliminate an infection.

Urinary tract infections are often treated by antibiotics (which can have side effects such as nausea, diarrhea or allergic reactions) or the home remedies listed above. Home remedies may help decrease the number of bacteria or provide UTI relief, but rarely can completely eliminate the infection itself.

A common natural UTI treatment is to flush the bacteria by drinking lots of water and other non-sugar based liquids. Flushing the bacteria from your urine helps to greatly diminish the painful side effects of a UTI. It is important to avoid sugar based liquids because they tend to encourage bacterial growth. The goal of naturally treating a UTI is to completely stop bacterial growth and remove the bacteria from your urinary tract system.

Urizol offers a safe, effective, natural path to UTI relief. Since Urizol does not require a prescription, there are no costly trips to the doctor, no waiting, and, best of all, Urizol provides fast relief of the pain, pressure and burning that accompanies urinary tract infections. Not only does Urizol provide UTI relief, but it helps prevent future infections, something antibiotics and standard home remedies can not do. Plus, Urizol is cost-effective, scientifically proven and 100% guaranteed to provide you with the UTI relief you're looking for.

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Ringing In The Ears Causes - Do You Recognize The Causes Of Ringing In The Ears?

By Carter Singleton

Tinnitus is the ringing, buzzing or crackling sound heard inside 1 or both ears when there's basically no real sound around. But do you really think tinnitus itself is a disease which must be cured. The particular fact is that ringing in the ears itself is not an illness. It is a complication of other damages and infection caused in our body. But do you recognize the causes of ringing in the ears.

Do not be concerned. Here are the factors behind the ringing in the ears which has to be fixed for stopping ringing in the ears. Below is an inventory of the known ringing in the ears cause.

1. Meniere's disease, a condition comprising hearing impairment, dizziness and tinnitus, due to increased pressure in the inner ear.

2. Damage to the ear as a consequence of serious noises and blasts.

3. Otosclerosis, a condition in which the tiny bones of the middle ear become immobile is another ringing in the ears cause.

4. Ear infections and soreness.

5. Wax in the ear.

6. An ear infection frequently known as 'glue ear' in children causes ringing in the ears.

7. Acoustic neuroma, a ( non-cancerous ) cancer of the nerve which goes from the ear to the brain.

8. High doses of gear including aspirin, quinine & some antibiotics.

9. Low thyroid hormone levels ( hypothyroidism )

10. Disorders of the heart and arteries

11. Hypertension

12. Anxiety and stress

Tinnitus may also be caused by allergy, high or low blood pressure and diabetes. Medications including anti inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, sedatives, mood suppressants, and aspirin also make a contribution to ringing in the ears cause. Colds and influenza, noisy environments, allergy flare-ups can increase the strength of tinnitus noise.

Other ringing in the ears causes are high salt intake, sugar, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, varied medications, tobacco, and caffeine. The causes discussed may be deadly themselves. So tinnitus could be a blessing in disguise. It helps you to identify the illness which needs attention before its beyond cure.

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Friday, 29 January 2010

Tips To Get Rid of Hemorrhoids In A Natural Way

By Aneron Kepasil

Hemorrhoids are a common and very frustrating problem. Hemorrhoids by themselves are rarely serious, however, they may be a cover up for other medical problems that are more serious, such as, colon or rectal cancer. Therefore, being seen by your physician and getting an accurate diagnosis is most necessary.

Hemorrhoids appear when all the blood in the rectum area exerts pressure in the rectal and anal area. A hemorrhoid is a swollen or dilated vein which occurs in and around the anus and rectum area. They may be internal or external.

The first step to curing hemorrhoids is first easing the symptoms. Keeping the area clean and maintaining a healthy diet can help calm the painful hemorrhoids. Most additional discomfort comes from constipation, a good diet of fiber, fruits and veggies can lessen the pressure. In addition to cleaning the area, warm sitz baths and heating pads have been known to also relieve the swelling and itching.

The best hemorrhoid home remedy is a better diet. If your current diet lacks fiber, or if you do not drink enough water on a daily basis, constipation and hard stools can cause or aggravate a hemorrhoid. Healing is difficult when still suffering from constipation or painful stools, so taking water soluble fiber or drinking more water may be needed. Eating more vegetables, especially dark green colors like spinach and kale, will also help with hemorrhoids by softening the stool.

There are ways that may help prevent hemorrhoids, such as, eating a high fiber diet. When you eat a high fiber diet or bran, or rouhage, it helps to retain more water in your stool, allowing the bowel movement to be softer and easier for you to pass. When you have the urge to have a bowel movement do not prevent it from happening, drink plenty of liquids and exercise to help the bowl movement to be more frequent.

One of the best options for a hemorrhoid home remedy is Calmovil. Calmovil is a natural dietary supplement that helps the blood vessels and damaged membranes that make up a hemorrhoid heal, completely curing the hemorrhoid. This eliminates the pain and irritation of having hemorrhoids all together, and is the best hemorrhoid home remedy. Calmovil contains only natural ingredients and is a gentle and safe way to cure hemorrhoids.

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Causes of UTI

By Aneron Kepasil

A UTI is an infection of the urinary tract. While it is painful, it is usually not overly serious and is easily treated. The urinary tract becomes infected when bacteria is introduced into the tract. The most common cause of a urinary tract infection is from bacteria that lives in your digestive tract and is tranferred to your urethra. Once this bacteria enters the urethra, it travels upwards and can cause infection in the urinary tract or bladder. Sexual intercourse is a common cause of UTI's because during sexual activity, bacteria is moved from the vaginal area into the urethra. Another cause of UTI's is waiting too long to urinate. This causes your bladder to weaken, in which case it may not empty completely and some urine will be left in the bladder. This will increase your chance of a urinary tract infection.

Increasing your hygiene can decrease the amount of bacteria and germs that are on your body.
Drinking cranberry juice can help the body get rid of toxins and bacteria. It helps fight the causes of UTI because it is well known to help flush your body of potential triggeers and causes of UTI. If you smoke, you are only increasing your cause of UTI. If you quit smoking, you decrease your chance of irritating your bladder and could cause bladder cancer.

Some home remedies provide UTI relief, but that relief may be only temporary. First and foremost, you should drink plenty of fluids (especially water) to flush out the bladder. Cranberry juice is helpful as well in providing UTI relief, as it inhibits the growth of bacteria and makes it harder for the bacteria to cling to the urinary tract walls. Celery, watermelon and parsley can also contribute to UTI relief by acting as a diuretic and flushing out the bladder.

Drinking cranberry juice is beneficial to having a clean urinary tract. Think of the urinary tract the same way that you would think of a sink. If it gets clogged with bacteria too much then it will become irritated and will not function properly.

The symptoms of a urinary tract infection are: a strong urge to urinate, a burning sensation when urinating, blood or bacteria in the urine, a strong odor from the urine, unable to pass large amounts of urine. What causes a urinary tract infection? There are many factors that can bring on a urinary infection. Such factors and causes of a urinary tract infection are the following: being a female, being sexually active, age, birth control medication, diabetes, and reoccurring tract infections.

An easy solution to naturally treating a urinary tract infection is a UTI supplement. Supplements that include bacteria fighting ingredients in their pure form are a convenient way to get natural bacteria fighting ingredients into your body. Urizol is a high quality supplement that includes several natural ingredients in their purest form to treat a UTI. For more information about Urizol, visit

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Thursday, 28 January 2010

A Natural Way to Alleviate Hemorrhoids Pain

By Aneron Kepasil

An internal hemorrhoid is a condition comprised of veins that become swollen and inflamed inside the anus. They are mainly caused by a poor diet and decreased fiber intake. Straining also causes them as well as obesity and pregnancy. Usually diarrhea and constipation are associated with them as well.

Hemorrhoids appear when all the blood in the rectum area exerts pressure in the rectal and anal area. A hemorrhoid is a swollen or dilated vein which occurs in and around the anus and rectum area. They may be internal or external.

Bleeding Internal hemorrhoids occure mostly in the population in the age groups between 45 and 65.
If you are required to sit for long stretches of time, stand for long stretches of time. This can hasten the onset of bleeding internal hemorrhoids. Women who are pregnant sometimes develop these hemorrhoids.

Although keeping your diet under control helps ease the pain, it does not always make the hemorrhoid or the pain go away. There are many natural herbs that people have found help not just ease but often cure painful hemorrhoids. Witch hazel is a liquid that is softly rubbed on the area to lessen the swelling. Butchers broom is another herb known for contracting and strengthening the veins. Ginkgo biloba improves blood flow and lessens the swelling. a final herb known for calming the irritation is mullein. Each of these herbs can be found at a local GNC or vitamin store.

Another common and simple hemorrhoid home remedy is the application of ice and heat to shrink the hemorrhoid and encourage it to heal. Apply ice, such as a single ice cube, to the hemorrhoid or the anal area, for at 10 minutes every day. Then apply a moist, warm towel to the anal area for up to 20 minutes. This is best done after an aggravating bowel movement that has caused pain or irritation to the hemorrhoid.

There is a newly approved supplement in the prevention of an internal hemorrhoid. It's called calmovil. It has been approved by the FDA to properly promote blood flow and decrease clots. If taken as directed, it can help regulate your digestive system to decrease diarrhea and constipation. Make sure you increase your fluid intake when taken any supplements as the result of the supplement can affect individuals differently.

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Some Properties Of Eucalyptus Radiata Essential Oil

By Danny Ricks

There are 700 varieties of eucalyptus that are discovered till now and out of these there are 500 varieties which are useful and which produce many different type of oils. Australia is rich in eucalyptus tree. You will find eucalyptus in other countries also but not in large quantities as in Australia.

There are different types of oils produced by eucalyptus trees. Some of these oils are medicinal oils, many different industrial oils and oils that can be used in perfumes. The amazing thing is that all these oils are produced not from the bark of the tree but from the leaves. You will found eucalyptus tree oil in almost all first aid kits. This is because of its great medicinal properties.

Eucalyptus is best for the treatment of many different diseases. Among these trees eucalyptus radiate essential oils are very useful and have different medicinal properties. You will find different chemistry in different oils.

The most important and the most commonly used properties of the tree in the family of eucalyptus tree is Eucalyptus radiate. It is highest in 1, 8 cineole. It has all the properties of removing infections and is a big antibacterial, antiviral, and is also great oil for getting relief from sinus. It also helps in improving the respiratory conditions. It is gentle for skin and has a very low quantities of aldehydes hence is very much effective.

The next tree in the list is eucalyptus globules. In the layman language its name is blue gum tree. It is best for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and wounds and is also best in healing any infections of respiratory tract. The major advantage of this tree is that it helps in the purification of air and in production of ozone gas. It is rich in oxides and 1, 8 cineole.

Another tree known for its good properties is eucalyptus citriodora. You can easily recognize this tree because of its lemony fragrance. That is why it gives a cooling effect and is best for message and for children. The main constituent of this tree is citronellal which is an aldehyde. It is also used in repelling silver fish and cockroaches and many other insects that reside in your home.

Next in the list is Eucalyptus Dives. It is recognized by its fragrance which matches that of methanol. It is also known as peppermint eucalyptus. It is best in healing infections of sinus, ear, kidney and vaginitis. Its main ingredient is piperitone. It is very good for healing different infections.

Last but not the least is Eucalyptus polybractea. It has similar properties as that of E.globulus. It is also named as Blue Mallee and is high in 1, 8 cineole. It is gentle on skin.

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Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Get Rid Of Allergy With Effective Treatments

By Manny Huang

When symptoms like running nose, constant sneezing and coughing, or prickly body rashes are creating a problem for you, it usually means you have caught an allergy. An allergy means your body is trying to fight some external agent which is causing a systemic disruption. A lot of people are highly allergic to a range of dairy products like milk, soy etc, while others are allergic to pollution and dust. Other common allergens are pollen or cat or dog hair, and even certain kinds of medicines.

Diagnosis by a certified and experienced specialist must be the first step that the person must take instead of trying to identify the factors causing the allergy himself or herself, which could turn out to be dangerous. After the real reason behind the allergy is discovered, the doctor can start the treatment of the allergy with the right combination of medicines.

The more common and affordable types of treatment are antihistamines and anti allergic drugs which are prescribed by physicians and specialists. However, prevention of allergy is better than cure. If you are sensitive to dust particles and cleaning the residence grips you with a strong allergic attack, then it is recommended to wear a mask while carrying out such tasks. Allergy causing agents can also be greatly restricted by air purifiers at your residence.

Keep a list of medicines you are allergic to when you meet your doctor or specialist and make sure he is conscious of your allergies before he writes out new medicines. Allergies from food can easily be controlled by paying attention to your regular diet and taking special care to avoid food items which have triggered allergies in the past.

For people with severe allergic reactions, where medications fail to have controlling effect, or when you wish to avoid allergic attacks in future, vaccinations, if available, can greatly help you prevent further problems. This way you would not have to shut yourself up in your room to protect yourself from the allergic agents.

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Treating Chronic Coughs Is Necessary

By Jennifer Huang

Coughing is usually accompanied with flu and common cold, and causes acute pain and dryness in throat. It is important to seek proper medical help and get it treated appropriately.

The defence mechanism of the body causes coughs to clear the air passage in the throat which restricts proper air flow to the lungs. They are not only a result of physiological problems but can also be triggered by psychological reasons. The former is caused when the cough results from external agents like dust, cigarette smoke, environmental pollutants etc or because of a medical disorder. As for the coughs triggered by psychological reasons, it is normally a habitual problem called Streruphilia, which is totally mental and not caused because of any physical disorders.

Cough can often be a chronic problem with identifiable features and can also be acute based on how intense and painful the symptoms are. Acute coughing which last less than 3 weeks can be a symptom of either infectious or non-infectious ailments. Conditions such as pneumonia and infections in sinuses cause acute coughs while chronic diseases like asthma cause chronic coughs.

It is important that you consult a doctor and get a proper diagnosis of the root cause and severity of your cough diagnosed so that appropriate treatment can be done. Based on the underlying root cause, specialists can prescribe many types of medicines such as antibiotics, antihistamines, or other cough suppressants. In a few cases, particularly chronic ailments, the cough treatment can last for prolonged periods, even months, to fully cure or control the problem.

Like any other serious medical problem, taking precautions to prevent cough attacks is more sensible than having to seek treatment for it when your condition gets bad. Abstaining from smoking, exercising regularly and taking a balanced diet that develops immune system and improves overall health can help keep cough at bay.

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Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Bleeding Internal Hemorrhoids

By Aneron Kepasil

Internal hemorrhoids are found on the inside of the anal passage. The hemorrhoid is covered over by muscous.
this the moist linings in the body that cover and protect and provide secretions to body areas.
The most obvious sign of a bleeding internal hemorrhoid is the evidence of fresh blood, either in the stool itself or noticed on the toilet paper. Seeing this bright red fresh blood can be quite frightning.

Colon hydrotherapy (or colonic irrigation) is a natural solution to hemorrhoids. With colon hydrotherapy, warm and cold water are used in an alternating fashion in order to relax and then constrict the vessels. Because hemorrhoids are characterized by poor circulation, this process is used to get the blood flowing once again so that circulation returns to normal.

Increasing your daily fiber intake is another solution and treatment of hemorrhoid. The average american only digests ten grams of fiber a day in their diet. By increasing your fiber intake by fifteen to fourty grams you will regulate your digestive system and prevent hemorrhoids from forming. The many ways you can increase your intake is by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and grains and cereals. Make sure you increase your fluid intake as well.

Witch hazel is a soothing form of astringent that eases the pain of pile bruising, another name for bruising of the hemorrhoids. When using Witch hazel hemorrhoids will be relieved of the painful swelling involved and once again the afflicted individual will be able to sit down with less discomfort and overall pain.

Hydrotherapy is another home treatment used to relieve hemorrhoids. Simply soaking your body in a warm bathtub has been shown to reduce the swelling that a condition of severe hemorrhoids causes. Hydrotherapy works by causing the vessels in and around the rectal region to relax, which in turn reduces swelling.

Calmovil is an effective solution for curing hemorrhoids. Its clinically proven ingredients are both natural and effective. The success of Calmovil has been proven with clinical trials. In these trials, Calmovil has been demonstrated to relieve itchy, painful, and inflamed hemorrhoids. Doctors agree about hemorrhoids and how to naturally cure them. Calmovil is #1 doctor recommended. With its money back guarantee and 60 day risk free trial, Calmovil is the obvious choice for anyone looking for a completely natural remedy for hemorrhoids.

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The Causes Of Tinnitus Stop Your Ears From Ringing

By Terry Connor

Tinnitus is a main reason why people experience ringing in there ears and the good news is that there are treatments out there to help. In order to figure out what the best treatment for tinnitus is first we need to figure out what is causing the ringing in your ears in the first place. Through this article I will go through the three main reasons that lead to Tinnitus.

A Simple Ear Infection Can Lead To Tinnitus - It is important that your seek out a doctor if your ears are ringing so that an ear infection can be ruled out. If there is an infection present an antibiotic will be prescribed and hopefully will get rid of the Tinnitus symptoms and get rid of the ringing in your ears. Remember with all antibiotics it is essential you take the prescribed medication for the entire length or the infection may come back to life.

Tinnitus Can Be Caused By Loud Noises - There is a good reason why your mom and dad were always harping at you to turn your music down as sustained loud noise can cause permanent damage to your hearing. The strong vibration from the music or loud machinery can damage the microscopic nerves in your ears which in turn leads to Tinnitus aka that annoying ringing in your ears. If the Tinnitus was caused from a loud concert your ears should recover and you will be able to stop the ringing in your ears but if the damage was caused from a long time loud noise than you may need to look at surgery or another highly painful medical procedure.

Meniere's Disease Can Cause Tinnitus - Meniere's disease is a rare disorder that creates problems with balance, vertigo and Tinnitus. Meniere's disease is believed to be caused by an increase of pressure in the ears which leads to an increase of fluid buildup. When it comes to treatments for Tinnitus that are tied to Meniere's disease it all depends on how early it is caught which is another great reason to start your Tinnitus treatment quest at the doctors office. If Meniere's Disease is allowed to progress it can cause permanent hearing damage in your ears.

Tinnitus research has opened up a number of new ways that have led to treatments for tinnitus that have been proven to be effective. Now whether it is by the use of maskers, antibiotics, tinnitus retraining therapy or by a new natural method there is a way to stop the ringing in your ears for good.

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Monday, 25 January 2010


By Dr. Jay Polmar

Beliefs determine how we see, interact and experience the world around us. Beliefs are ideas that are formed after repetition and contemplation that we accepted as truth and reality, and therefore impact how we see life.

Belief and knowledge are often in conflict. The difference might be subtle, but substantial. Knowledge is something that you and others, who might be considered experts in that field, consider to be true and there is reasonable, plausible, and provable scientific explanation for that knowledge.

A belief on the other hand is established on personal experience or faith.

Too many people require you to accept their belief based on blind faith. Belief is not knowledge and therefore usually not provable beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Remember, its wasn't long ago that people believed the world is flat, and that we thought women were witches, hunted them down, and then burned them.

Welcome to belief, which is based on superstitions, or blindness.

Ignorant humans who once believed that the Earth was the center of the universe, and that it was flat. Really demonstrated that what really was FLAT was the human ability to think outside the box and perceive something that others could not observe.

When scientists discovered great things, hundreds of years ago, they were imprisoned, tortured and murdered. The Catholic Church did not want people to see beyond, and therefore stopped the voices of these researchers.

Actually, during that time in history it was thought to be common knowledge that these ancient flat world beliefs were true. Even though humankind was sincere in its ignorant beliefs, those beliefs were not true and by not believing as the others told you to, you were subject to arrest, imprisonment, and torture which often lead to death.

Times have changed. Today, things that you believe have changed, and you may believe in something so strongly that you count it as knowledge. When, in fact, there may be considerable proof from the past experience that a particular belief is a truth - its only truth for you from your personal experience. Just because you believe it is true, does not make it true. Although it might become a truth for you personally, by believing it you are limiting yourself by holding on to self-limiting beliefs.

The trick is to pull back the veil and see the real truth. That is one that is universal and does not need to be believed, it just is. These are referred to as universal truths. They exist and work beyond our own self-limiting beliefs. They shape and work through the universe and in our lives.

Gravity is a truth. Believe in it or not - its still a real truth. If you drop something it will fall to the ground. If you slip, and fall, you could hurt your butt. You can only fall DOWN, you don't fall up.

Now this is only a truth that exists here on Earth under normal circumstances. There are other forces that can resist this law such as a strong wind. You may have been programmed since childhood to believe things that you thought to be true - but, once you recognize that they were not true, you may have wondered why you wasted time and energy believing in them at all.

Take the case of Santa Claus. You believed he was real. You believed that by some mystical miracle he went around the world in one night and brought presents to every well-behaved child. You may have further believed that he ate the burnt cookies you left for him and he drank that horrible lactose free milk. You believe that it was all associated to your doing good things and not bad things, and that Santa was, well, almost like God!

There was strong evidence to your belief:

Your parents told you he was real. (You trusted your parents without question)

The cookies were eaten and the milk glass was empty. Also the crumbs disappeared.

There were gifts under the Christmas tree in the morning.

You saw Santa at the mall, and you had a picture of Santa to prove it.

Your friends believed in him also.

All of this evidence pointed toward knowledge, you just knew he existed. It pointed to a truth in that not only did you know he existed, everyone around you knew also. This belief as you found out was not true. It had shaped your view of the world as a child and still may have a lingering impact on your current belief system.

The point is that there are other things that you may believe are true, but are not. You have been told things all your life for a variety of reasons: to make you feel better, to be funny, to hurt you, because other people believed it was true, and for other noble and not so noble reasons. You made the choice whether to believe what was being told you. You weighed this information and decided whether it fit or not into your already existing belief system. You either rejected the idea straight out, accepted it as part of what you already believed, or it changed your notion system.

Beliefs are very powerful, and they do shape our reality. If you believe in anything strong enough, it becomes real in your life. There is a universal law that states that likes attract like. If you believe in something strong enough it not only becomes your reality, it attracts similar things in your life.

Suppose you believe you are clumsy. Your parents said you were clumsy, your coach as school did and so did your friends. They told you that you were an accident waiting to happen. You thought this to be true. Your whole life you tripped over your shadow. Not only did you believe this, but you also created that reality and circumstances of being clumsy.

Examine your beliefs and draw back the veil. Well, Ill be. They seem to have constantly hypnotized me to trip myself up -- all my life -- well, I'll be! And, then - you don't have to be! It's all your belief.

Dr. Jay Polmar, author of Thinkright, was a teacher and instructor at colleges and universities in the Southwest and Hawaii about the quality and power of Thought being an active force in creating the alignment of your life. Learn more in Thinkright.

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Good News for Bronchitis Fever Sufferers

By Rickey Henolap

It can be an easy assumption the power to take a breath is easy and an instinctive. Breathing should make up an inherent act; however, it can be challenging for some individuals. Respiratory distress can range from moderate conditions in which a person on occasion experiences minor breathing problems, to more compelling levels of breathing distress.

There are a number of herbal teas that serve as a bronchitis cure. If you have a dry hacking cough you can use a mixture of wild cherry bark and marshmallow root. Use one teaspoon of each herb in two cups of hot water and let steep for ten minutes. If you don't have a tea-ball for the herbs you can put them right in the water and then filter them out with a sieve. Drink a cup three or four times a day to help with the cough and your immune system.

The two different kinds of bronchitis are chronic and acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis develops usually after a cold or cough that has been in the body for some time and the body has not been able to fight it off or given enough rest to recover. The cough is accompanied by pain, weakness, fever, fatigue and headache. Bronchitis can progress to pneumonia if not treated. Chronic bronchitis lung is usually caused by tobacco, smoke or other irritants. It is a persistent condition that can lead to permanent lung damage. In both conditions it is common for the sufferer to cough up phlegmy discharges.

There are some herbal remedies that can be used, to treat your bronchitis. Use eucalyptus, bay or garlic leaves in hot water. Boil some water, drop one or all the leaves I named (to speed up the healing process) in the boiling water, let the leaves get tender and allow water to steam up, pour it in a bowl, position a towel directly over your head and the bowl to inhale the vapors. The vapors you will be inhaling will soothed your persisting cough. You can also use the remainder of the liquid to make an herbal tea.

Due to the widespread dissemination of this type of information in reference to antibiotics, natural alternatives are increasingly sought by growing numbers. Natural supplements have grown in popularity for this reason.

Bronovil has extract of the African herb pelargonium, which has been used to ease coughing, reduce inflammation, and as an immune booster. This bronchitis cure comes in capsule form and is a great way to treat bronchitis naturally. You can find out more information about bronovil at

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Sunday, 24 January 2010

Psychic Ability: 5 Reasons Why They Need to Be Developed

By Tana Hoy

Each and every one of us invests time, effort, and even money to develop our talents. It always feels great when we impress people that we love with our mastered talent. Another great gift that everyone is born with is a psychic ability. Yes, believe it or not each and every one of us possesses a psychic ability. However, these abilities become dormant because we tend to not see them, and most of us do not even believe in them. Like any talent or skill, if you don't believe in yourself, it can never be developed and will only be forgotten as years pass.

To answer this question, let us first understand a few things about psychic abilities. First of all, a psychic ability is a special kind of power. In a sense, it is extraordinary, and it goes beyond the normal and ordinary experience of life. Most of the time, a psychic ability defys the reasoning of logic and of science. Despite all of this however, psychic abilities are still real. In fact, a psychic ability can be found in every person. The only thing about psychic ability, is that it is waiting to be discovered and when it is discovered, it can then be developed. But why develop something which is beyond normal? Here are the reasons why:

REASON #1: You can make the world a better place with your psychic ability. This is because you can help people with your ability in their everyday lives. There are many forms of psychic abilities, and each type of special power is capable to help others in a unique way.

REASON #2: Your psychic ability can help yourself. Not only can you help people around you, more importantly, you can also help yourself. Having psychic abilities will help you know what is best for yourself without confusion, because your special abilities will allow you to have a better outlook of life in general.

REASON #3: Your psychic ability will boost up your confidence in life. There are many concerns that will come our way where confidence is needed. Developing your psychic ability will really help you boost your confidence, by helping you see your potentials and weaknesses, for correction and edification.

REASON #4: Having a well developed psychic ability will let you see what others cannot, and give you more insight. This in turn will give you an open mind, and help you to better understand everything around you, making you a much wiser person.

REASON #5: The meaning of life will be clear to you through your psychic ability. We all know that psychic abilities can do a lot of very remarkable things. A psychic ability can read the signs of time, and even time itself. What happened in the past, and what will happen in the future, will all be clear with psychic abilities. Now, because these things are cleared due to these abilities, you will have a more concrete meaning of life. We will see why we are here, where we were before, and where we are going in the future, with the help of our psychic ability.

These are just 5 basic reasons why one needs to develop his or her psychic ability. There are also many other reasons to embrace your psychic skills. Whatever other reasons you might have, as long as it is for the greater good, you are sure to unleash your full psychic potential in flying colors.

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Important Facts About Losing Weight In 2010

By Casey Wigwire

You wake up each morning and you want to eat right. You prepare a nutritious breakfast and you are off to a great start. So many people pass on breakfast and then they have issues and wonder why. Not you. You know better. Never skip meals to lose weight, in fact do quite the opposite. Add more meals to your diet and eat lighter. Your body stays in working condition with the energy it needs to do so. Your blood sugar needs to be at a certain level and your calories need to be in check as well. Efficient eating can do that for you, along with a few more obvious tips.

Since you were very little fruits and vegetables were a must. You would fight your parents because the taste was not very appealing. Now those two things can help you in your fight to lose weight. They are light in total but filling to your stomach, a great way to eat a lighter meal. They also have many required vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and minerals your body desperately needs.

The clear way to eat sensibly is to avoid processed and that of fast food. No good comes from eating that. You will be doing the opposite of what you want. In the markets today there is no reason not to eat fresh each and every time. Sure you may need to visit the market a little more, all worth it in the end.

A well known tip is to reduce the sugar intake we often let slide with our coffee, candy and soda drinks. Sugar will slow you down and sit with you long after you would like. A better way to go is with water. The body loves and needs water. Six to eight glasses will transform your healthy lifestyle to a more complete transformation.

The most forgotten on the agenda is that of salt. Your cardiovascular system can be interrupted with too much of this and you will struggle to lose weight for sure. Consider alternatives when spicing things up. Garlic is very good, as is pepper, basil, rosemary, ginger, nutmeg and bay leaves.

As already mentioned, lowering the portions is an effective way to get the nutrients you need but without the excess garbage. Whenever you are out at a restaurant be sure to keep this in mind. Avoid seconds and don't be afraid to bring some home in a separate container, all good habits all the time, a good rule to live by.

To complete the weight loss regime you need to add one more piece to the puzzle. Exercise of course. Be active instead of lying down all the time. Computers and television can suck your energy away. Make your body work to process the food you have consumed. Burn fat with activity and find a sport or a form of exercise you prefer. Jogging, swimming or running on machines, whatever you want to do. Just be active.

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Saturday, 23 January 2010

Can You Cure Anxiety With The Linden Method?

By Paolo Tiberi

If you have ever had an Anxiety Attack you'll probably have experienced a reaction so intense that you can't breathe, you feel chest pain, you can't move and you feel like your entire world is collapsing...Anxiety attacks are the most extreme example of an anxiety reaction. When anxiety reaches a level of no return the body reacts by causing the sufferer to experience symptoms like Breathlessness, 'Racing' heart, Shaking, Dizziness, Stomach symptoms, Blurred vision, 'Pins and needles' sensations in limbs, Difficulty swallowing and Chest pains.

This is a extreme reaction that inidcates extreme danger for the sufferer. As described by Wikipedia, , Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional, and behavioural components.

So how do anxiety attacks form? Anxiety attacks and reactions are formed in the subconscious mind by a gland called the Amygdala. This organ behaves like a thermostat, regulating the anxiety and stress response. Under normal circumstances, the Amygdala only reacts when 'real' threats are present but in Anxiety Attacks sufferers the tolerance level towards stress, fear etc. is greatly diminished.What can you do to eliminate anxiety attacks? Anxiety attacks can be eliminated very simply. Because anxiety attacks and high anxiety are the result of a learning process in the subconscious mind which causes the amygdala to react inappropriately, it can be 'un-learned' in the same way. This must be done in a structured way with ongoing support when required. In order to effectively reverse the formation of anxiety attacks it is vital that the subconscious mind is taught to react to anxiety in a more appropriate way so that the 'benchmark' anxiety level is lowered; this will prevent sufferers from experiencing the symptoms, thoughts and sensations they tolerate every day such as anxiety attacks, panic attacks, OCD and phobias.

Part of a plan for management of Anxiety may include many medicine from pharmaceutical companies like Prozac etc or methodologies with less side effects like the Linden Method. The Linden Method is a Natural, Side-Effect Free treatment for panic attacks, anxiety, and phobias using cognitive behavioural therapy. The method was developed by Charles Linden, who was an anxiety sufferer himself. The method is based on the idea that the amygdala, can be "reprogrammed" in people with anxiety disorders. In the method, Charles guides the anxiety sufferer through a process that will "reprogram" the amygdala to bring about an Anxiety FREE Life. Charles Linden states that his method has over 96.7% success at eliminating Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Phobias!

Some of the advantages of using the Linden Method include: *Free you of your anxiety and panic attacks *Help you move on with your life, instead of standing still *Permanently remove the symptoms that haunt you daily| *Stop unwanted thoughts and panic attacks in their tracks *De-stress and become relaxed and contented *Remove the core cause of your anxiety, without effort *Move forward with the challenges and successes of life

As an NLP Practitioner, life coach and a hypnotherapist, my purpose is to assist you as much as possible. As I can't be everywhere, I have created a site where I review some of the programs on the market to help you. These are all very effective programs that deliver on their promises. I believe it would be worth having a look. One of the programs I would certainly endorse would be the Linden Method, which you can use to completely eliminate panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and also obsessive-compulsive disorder quickly & permanently. A video review can be found at

"A barking dog is often more useful than a sleeping lion." Washington Irving

Don't wait, take action and get your problem resolved today!

BIO: Paolo Tiberi is a recognised Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Life Coach. He dedicates his life to helping others through private sessions, seminars and public speaking events. More on Paolo can be viewed at

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Health Maintenance Through The FSC

By Dmitriy Volokhovskiy

Some people make timely commitments to improve their lives, depending on the time of year. Beach season, New Year's resolutions, all of these opportunities for self improvement are special and important. But there is no time like the present time to work on health maintenance. With new technology, it can get even easier to make your life better.

Modern people live under many pressures. Some people are experiencing financial difficulties that keep them from living healthy lives. Other people are experiencing very real and immediate stressful situations that make their lives troublesome. However, health maintenance is incredibly important at all times, and especially those that seem the most difficult.

How are you feeling about yourself, your life, the world around you? Maybe you are experiencing emotional and physical exhaustion. Maybe your eating habits aren't the greatest and you have very little time for sleep with all the work you are doing. It is now possible to improve all of these areas of your life, with the help of a simple device developed in Russia meant to help with health maintenance.

The people of Russia know about hard times and hard lives. So it's no wonder that they've found a way to rise above the difficulties that they face when trying to focus on health maintenance. With their traditional beliefs that everything in the natural living world is connected by longitudinal electromagnetic waves, they have found ways to feel better. Simple things like leaning against a tree can improve a person's energy but not everyone has a tree to lean against.

The FSC or Functional State Corrector is newly developed modern technology that makes revitalization every day possible. As a part of health, it is a small pocket sized device that works around a magnetic field scalar component and regulates the body's rhythms. Each of the body's systems, from immune to endocrine to even the processes involved in creative thinking are affected by the FSC. Maintaining good health isn't easy, especially in a busy life. This device is meant to help, to support those who are looking to make a positive change.

Depression is common today, as stress levels rise and the ever-present negative energies of the world weigh each person down. The FSC helps a person connect to the natural world again, helping them benefit from the existing connections other creatures and objects of the natural world are experiencing already. Made by the intellects behind the Russian space program, the FSC is a simple device that fits in a person's pocket and every day improves their health maintenance. It might be something to look into if you already know that your self improvement is worth everything.

The simple and cost-effective alternative is to take proper health care by means of some preventive measures. There is a completely new approach for doing these. Russian scientists created a new type health maintenance device, called the Functional State Corrector or shortly the FSC. The device responds to the human aura distortions with an adequate correction. The strength of the corrective influence is proportional to the strength of the distortion. It's resembles a feedback loop, that monitors the perfect state of its owner. When everything is fine, the device stays silent. When one start to use an FSC, the psychological level responds at the very first day. It makes the FSC a perfect prophylaxis remedy. More than that, all kinds of stress, anxiety, depression, fears are the first victims. The state of mind changes to positive from the first day of the FSC use.

One has literally nothing to do for all that: the only thing You'll need to do - is to place the device nearby or carry in the pocket. The device poses positive influence through the liquid media. And we consist of water by 70 percent. Inner organism liquids are affected by the positive information prerecorded on the FSC. It's a real find for those, who never have time for their health, who has to drive for a long time, and for those people who travel a lot. No exercises, no affirmations, no meditations it simply works by itself!

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Friday, 22 January 2010

Diabetes Affects The Body's Ability To Use Blood Sugar For Energy.

By Pedro Toledo

Inability to achieve and then maintain erection hard enough to have an intercourse is termed "Erectile Dysfunction". It comes under an umbrella term of "impotence". Impotence covers some other sexual problems like inability to orgasm or lack of arousal. However it s important to make clear that erectile dysfunction is not an occasional disability that is generally experienced by every men. If a person is suffering from erectile dysfunction he may be unable to achieve and then maintain erection most of the times.

Usually this form of diabetes is diagnosed during 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. When the woman is being checked for gestational diabetes, she will be informed not to eat anything for 4 to 8 hours prior to the test. Then her blood sugar level is checked. Thereafter, she will be given a sugar laced drink and once again her blood sugar level will be checked after a period of 2 hours. If the blood sugar level is more than 140mg/dl, the diagnosis will be gestational diabetes.

While you take these blood sugar readings daily, your health care provider is interested in another number... that of the HbA1c measurement. This number helps you to adjust your food and exercise and helps your health care provider with adjusting your medications. Of course, you are looking for a level less than 6.0%. The HbA1c gives you an average of your blood sugar over the last three months.

How to prevent erectile dysfunction if you are experiencing signs of diabetes Get Hold of Your Blood Sugar Levels: This will enable you to prevent the damage to nervous and vascular system of the body. These two are the diabetic complications that results in erectile dysfunction. Talk To Doctor: He is in a better position of helping you to control the levels of blood sugar thus preventing damage to different body systems.

Other studies have shown that glycated albumin is important in detecting short-term changes in blood sugar control, and the test is highly recommended to be used when looking for a glycemic indicator in pregnant mothers diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Researchers also commented that the use of this test could save on health care costs.

If gestational diabetes is not treated or controlled, it can be dangerous for the baby. The baby can get jaundice, respiratory distress syndrome, die after 28 weeks of pregnancy or die after birth as it will suffer from hypoglycemia after birth.

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Depression Is More Common Among Women Than Among Men.

By Pedro Toledo

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), and despite 50 years of extensive research and tremendous enhancements in technology; WHO states that there is no single cause or explanation of depression. Rather it is suggested that a combination of biological (genetic and biochemical), sociological (stressors) and psychological (development and life experiences) factors interact to cause depression. This definition reflects what the vast majority of mental health and well being organisations from around the globe propose. However, WHO employs a biopsychosocial model to provide a picture of depression.

Genetic factors: According to WHO, it has been consistently observed that depression tends to run in families. For the uninitiated, genes are like computer chips within our body that hardwire or pre-program us towards certain physical or physiological predispositions. The BlackDog Institute (Australia) suggests that "the genetic risk of developing depression is about 40%, with the remaining 60% being due to factors in the individual's own environment". For example, in 2003, a New Zealand study suggested a certain gene - responsible for the transportation of serotonin - in conjunction with a serious life stressor was responsible for depression (Caspi A et. al. Science 301: 386-389). At the time, this was heralded as a significant breakthrough in the understanding and treatment depression.

However, according to a recent meta-analysis published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, "a gene variation that has long been thought to increase the risk of depression in combination with stressful life events may have no effect after all" (Serotonin Gene, Even Combined With Life Events, Has No Effect On Depression; June 17, 2009). The search for a single gene or a combination of genes in the cause of depression continues. Biological Factors: An imbalance in biochemicals within the brain, known as neurotransmitters, "may produce" depression. However, according to WHO, "the assumption that depression is the direct result of a biochemical imbalance may be an oversimplification". There is much conjecture and debate as to whether a biochemical imbalance is the cause of depression or this imbalance is a result of the depression itself - a classic chicken and the egg scenario.

However, if you are a person who usually pays attention to the current health events, then you will definitely come across the symptoms and cures of depression and then you will understand that what you have is a health problem which can be cured. This is the first and most important step to be taken when it comes to depression or any kind of disease.

Surrounding ones self with positive things and keeping an optimistic attitude at all times is also another practical way to overcome depression. The principle behind this technique is to attract all positive things and thoughts. Getting rid of the pessimism and letting the positive energy in can have an enormous effect on the way one sees things.

Worryingly, the pre-school age group (0-5 years) has been one of the fastest growing markets for antidepressants in recent years (Psychiatric Services, April 2004). Of interest, if depression was purely and simply due to a biochemical imbalance; why is psychotherapy or talk therapy just as effective in the treatment of depression? This fact alone calls into question the oversimplification that depression is due to a biochemical imbalance or genetic factors. How can talking about something overcome a medical illness or disease due to a biochemical imbalance, as so often and strongly advocated by the health authorities and pharmaceutical companies? Psychological Factors: According to WHO, "how and what a person thinks may determine the onset of depression. If people have distorted thinking by which they view everything around them including themselves and their future as negatively and pessimistically, then their mood also becomes sad, completing the picture of depression".

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Thursday, 21 January 2010

Depression Overshadowing Your Life? Cliffside Malibu Has The Solution

By Harry Thomas

Depression not just affects you, but also your family and friends. That is the reason why we focus our treatment on you and your family members. The individuals and their families will find the spa treatments, heated lap pool, gym, and fitness center, yoga, swimming and hiking all very appealing. You can simply handover your worries to a rehab center, which provides for a calm environment and support from all the people around. The end result is a happy and worry-free life.

If you feel you have depression problem, you don't need to worry, because Cliffside Malibu will provide for the answers to all your doubts. Located on a two-acre estate overlooking the Pacific Ocean, it will give unmatched results that will leave you happy and satisfied. You also don't need to worry about recurrent problems or side-effects, because it provides 100% recovery solutions within your budget. Your comfort is the most important thing, because it believes that unless and until a person is comfortable and happy, he won't be able to get rid of his problems.

You can have gourmet meals, spa treatments and lots of recreational activities, which promise to make your stay here memorable. Pressure and tension will be a part of your life, and these are the things you need to remove them in a jiffy. It is important to focus on the recovery rather than be tensed about it. These depression treatment centers can help you or your loved one beat this problem and reclaim your life. If you or someone you love suffers from a depression, these centers can definitely help; if the measure is required, they can even assist in staging an intervention.

When in-residence treatment is completed, an after-care program is provided and counseling is also offered along with other services for family members. Residents are comfortable, relaxed, medically supervised and worry-free during their stay, so that they have nothing to distract them from their recovery. The staff are caring, focused on ensuring patients receive the individual attention they require to succeed and have a wealth of experience in dealing with depression.

Treatment requires a good and clean environment which can provide you with adequate motivation and courage to get out of your habit, and this is exactly what is provided by Cliffside Malibu. Our doctors and therapists are well-versed in dealing with depression and have developed treatment programs that also concentrate the reasons behind getting depressed in the first place. You will have access to our after-care program on completion, helping ensure that you remain depression-free.

Experience and expertise are needed for proper and correct treatment, which will have long-lasting effects and avoid any serious side-effects. Also, one more important aspect is the topic of recurrent problems. There has been a lot of debate about how people get back their problems and depression after some days. So a holistic treatment with emphasis on all round and complete development of an individual, physically as well as mentally, is needed.

They have successfully treated people for depression for years. They know what works and what doesn't. Everything from the staff, the programs to the facilities and the experience is perfect. Do you want to get cured right away, or suffer throughout your life? The decision is yours.

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Battling the UTI -- Naturally

By Aneron Kepasil

UTI occurs when bacteria gets into the urine and begins to grow. The infection usually starts at the opening of the urethra where the urine leaves the body and moves upward into the urinary tract. The bacteria is commonly known as E. Coli and is known to be the culprit in 90% of uncomplicated infections. The bacteria normally lives in the bowel and around the anus but can move from the area of the anus to the urethra.

Cranberry juice is a well known and clinically proven method to treat UTI infections. However, not many people know that blueberry juice provides similar benefits and can also be used. These juices have antibacterial properties and, in their pure form, can disinfect the urinary tract very efficiently. Unfortunately, additional treatment may be needed to completely rid the body of the UTI infection.

The symptoms of a urinary tract infection are: a strong urge to urinate, a burning sensation when urinating, blood or bacteria in the urine, a strong odor from the urine, unable to pass large amounts of urine. What causes a urinary tract infection? There are many factors that can bring on a urinary infection. Such factors and causes of a urinary tract infection are the following: being a female, being sexually active, age, birth control medication, diabetes, and reoccurring tract infections.

Plenty of rest is key in fighting a UTI. Most of the time infections are the result of our bodies being run-down and compromised from our busy, stressful lives. Something as simple as getting the rest you need can help you body naturally fight off infection.

If you catch your UTI at the very first sign of symptoms (painful urinating, constant urge to urinate, lower abdominal pain) you may be able to flush out the bacteria with plain water. Drink plenty of water and it will dilute and flush out the toxins. Another natural remedy to try at the first signs of a UTI is baking soda. Mix 1/2 teaspoon in an eight ounce glass of water and drink. The baking soda will raise the acid balance in your urine.

A natural herb supplement that fights UTI's is called URIZOL which can be found at Urizol is made of all natural ingredients. These natural ingredients work as a diuretic which helps increase urination. They also can boost your immune system and fight infection. It has also been scientifically proven to cleanse, disinfect and protect your urinary system. It protects your urinary system by stimulating white blood cells and increasing their strength to fight infection thus making your fight against UTI's a successful one.

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Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Missoula MT-Transformation Chiropractic Presents: Your Health-The Road to Wellness Article #2 Feet

By Dr. Shaun Stuto

Dr. Shaun Stuto, a chiropractor, founded the Transformation Chiropractic Missoula MT wellness center, a health firm based in Missoula, MT. Dr. Stuto works with the citizens of Missoula county to get to the root cause of any symptoms and help families achieve and maintain lifelong wellness. Symptoms such as neck and back pain could be due to underlying causes elsewhere in the body such as improper posture. But do you know that most of these problems can come from improper foot health?

The foot is a great masterpiece from nature. Aside from enabling you to walk upright, it also supports your weight and plays a role in your balance and posture. The foot has a specialized design, with 26 bones and 33 joints. Though compact is size, it is a very complex system, and aside from bones, they also have a network of tendons, muscles and blood vessels.

The foot is designed to withstand a lot of pressure, especially when walking and running. As we walk, the foot absorbs the shock as it hits the ground. With the network of tendons and muscles, the impact should be negligible. If the foot is dysfunctional, the cushioning properties get weaker and disperse the impact forces to other bones and organs in your body.

The body parts most commonly affected by these unsuppressed shocks are your ankles and your knees. But if left unchecked, the forces are capable of traveling up into your pelvis, spine and even to your neck and head. You might experience back aches, neck pains, and even headaches just from walking or running. The average medical doctor would prescribe pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs so you could "feel" better. This is like ripping the batteries out of the smoke detector! The house is still on fire. The problem is the feet! The average chiropractor might continue to adjust your spine for "relief." An applied kinesiologist, like Dr. Shaun Stuto will look at the big picture. The founder of Applied Kinesiology, Dr. George Goodheart, said famously "no matter where the problem exists in the body, look first to the feet!"

Back pain due to lumbar strains and sprains, can certainly be caused by foot problems. A foot, as we remember, bears the whole weight of our body. If your feet are dysfunctional, then your body won't have anything to support it. A common problem associated with feet are flat footedness. In this case, your feet distribute weight where they were not designed to. This increases the shock transmitted to your bones, especially the spine. With continual bombardment, your spine would become misaligned or "subluxated" over time. Another cause of back-related pain is the high-arched but rigid foot. With this condition, your feet would not have enough cushioning to absorb shocks. The shocks are sent upwards of your body, affecting your back and even your neck and head. It is quite possible that neurologic problems in your feet could be contributing or causing your headache. Everything in the human body is connected whether you realize it or not.

With this newly acquired knowledge, caring for your feet should be a high priority. Part of that care is visiting your chiropractor and having your feet checked. Problems in the feet are not necessarily painful. Subluxations are much like cavities, by the time they hurt, the damage has already been done.

You should take the proactive action of seeing your chiropractor to ensure undetected and asymptomatic foot subluxations are not present. Transformation Chiropractic from Missoula MT can help you with getting to the root cause of problems like back pain, neck pain, foot problems, and headaches. More importantly, they will help you move beyond your aches and pains into a newer realm of thriving health and wellness. They utilize techniques like Applied Kinesiology and Neuro-Emotional Technique to customize a treatment plan specific to the patient instead of fitting a patient into their treatment plan.

True health and optimal wellness is the goal Transformation Chiropractic Missoula MT has for you. It is up to you to step up, take action and achieve it. They believe that true health is actually a decision and more than a matter of circumstances, luck or "good" genes.

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Simple To Understand Treadmill Purchase Checklist

By Traci M. Sosa

If you're looking for a means to get a healthy and well, published body, purchasing treadmill is the ideal option. A treadmill session goes a good distance in giving you a total workout and hence helps you remain in the best of shape. Treadmill is a sure shot way to a healthful body and thus is a must buy. However, it is to exercise caution while you purchase a treadmill. Before getting a treadmill there are a couple of things that you need to take a look at a look at some of them.

The 1st and the most obvious consideration before you select a treadmill is your budget. If you would like a fair treadmill that will just help you get your daily walk, then a budget of $1,000 should be satisfactory. However, If you are watching out for a slightly advanced treadmill, with add-ons like pulse rate monitor, treadmill exercise programs, pulse monitor and the like then plan a budget of anywhere between $1,500 to $3,000.

After you have completed your financial position, the following step is to watch out for the condition of the motor. The potency of a treadmill is determined by the motor. When you're checking this integral part of the treadmill, make it a double point to choose for continuing duty motor. This is so as it'll make sure a smooth activity and working of the treadmill. Another thing to keep a watch on is the horse power of the motor. It is integral that your treadmill should have pony power of minimum 1.5.

While the motor is the most vital facet of a treadmill, there are more factors that must be considered too. These include the width of the belt, offered incline, cushioning, stability, control panel and such like. It is important that you know the minimum specifications for each of these aspects else you'll be fooled into buying a mediocre machine.

When checking out the treadmill belt, always ensure that it meets the minimum specification of 16 inches width and forty eight inches length. Also update yourself about the speed that the treadmill offers. The velocity should not be less than 10mph. If the treadmill doesn't offer cushioning facility, it should not be acquired in any way. At least ten percent of cushioning is mandatory or else you are at a really heavy risk of hurting your joints. Also ensure that the treadmill remains steady and don't move or shake while in use. The control panel of the treadmill should be simply accessed. If the treadmill falls short on any of these elements, it is suggested to not purchase it.

The main thing is that you must correctly try a treadmill before you get it. Most of the providers will allow you to employ a demo machine before you make a purchase call. Make excellent use of this time and try the machine you have shortlisted. Walk, run, tinker with the controls and see how straightforward is the machine to service and repair.

Keep these tips in mind before you purchase a treadmill and you will be in a position to take the right choice for sure.

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Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Taking A Look At Mental Telepathy

By Rachel Jordan

Most people do not really understand the term 'mental telepathy'. The definition of mental telepathy implies that two people are able to share their thoughts with each other without the intervention of the five senses. Nevertheless mental telepathy can involve a range of varied communication ranging from trying to watch somebody to trying to read someone's mind. The science of telepathy has many facets to it which can range from utterly simple to highly evolved. The aim of this article is to delve into the various forms of mental telepathy


If you are a parent who has tried to tell your kid or spouse something non-verbally by using your body language, eyes and facial expressions, then you would know what Kinesics or non-verbal communication is. In this form of non verbal communication almost everything can be said without speaking by merely using the eyes and expressions and body language. For this kind of communication you need to know the other person well in order to communicate effectively. Its most effective between parents, children, lovers and intimate friends.

Some can argue (with good reason) that this doesn't count as mental telepathy, as the two people are using their senses to communicate (just not with sounds). Technically, this is correct. This doesn't mean, however, that mental telepathy does not play a role. The fact that non-verbal communication occurs most successfully between people who are related (like family), or who have lived together for extended periods of time (like spouses) implies that their minds might be more attuned to each other than to strangers. On the other hand, one could argue that this merely means the two people know each other well enough to understand each others more subtle body language, or have created agreed-upon nonverbal signals to communicate.


Through empathy it is possible to directly experience the emotions of others or connect on an emotional level. Putting yourself in another's shoes' and understanding how they feel is not something everybody is able to do. Training and practice can increase empathy. Imitating the emotions of others, even to the point of spontaneously laughing or crying is something actors and sociopaths can do everyday.

Most people have experienced 'sympathetic pain'"feeling another person's pain as if it were your own. For example, after witnessing someone close to you break their arm, you may experience an uncomfortable feeling or even an ache in your arm, even though you know it's fine. Similarly, when someone close to you is experiencing an overwhelming emotion, such as joy, grief, or depression, you may feel an echo of the same emotion inside you. Finally, there is the phenomena of long distance empathy. In this case, a person suddenly knows"they FEEL it"that someone close to them is in danger, has been hurt, or is in pain, even though they are not near the person at the time.

There are some skeptics and psychologists who scoff at these kind of incidents and call them the work of an overactive brain. In certain cases they may have a point because we can see the injury and the hurt. However in cases of long distance empathy where a person doesn't even know that his loved one is injured or hurt, then they don't have an explanation about why a person who cannot even see the other person can feel the pain.


There is another kind of telepathy which involves sending and receiving concrete symbols and objects between two people. Here advanced mental telepathy is involved and it is a phenomena outside the five senses. This kind of mental telepathy involves a lot of training, concentration and practice. There is a receiver and a sender involved in this.

The simpler the concept, the easier it is to communicate through thought alone. For example, a color or shape may be easier to convey than an animal.

Experiments in telepathy are often conducted on this level. The Zener cards used in tests of mental telepathy are simple, concrete black-and-white symbols (a circle, square, star, plus sign, and three wavy lines). On one hand, skeptics and critics of the Zener cards have pointed out that with only five cards to choose from, even a random guess has a 20% chance of being right. On the other hand, one could argue that a shared, known, limited set of concrete symbols increases the ability of the sender and receiver to coordinate their thoughts. Furthermore, although anyone can get a 20% success rate with enough guesses, a success rate of 50% or higher (which have happened) can not be explained away by simple statistics.


This level of mental telepathy involves more advanced abstract concepts than shapes and colors. Here people communicate ideas, values and actions, which is quite tough the success rate is quite low. Telepaths seldom achieve this level and the ones who do are pretty rare.

Telepathy shouldn't be ruled out when it comes to animals that seem to communicate ideas to each other through non-verbal actions. Because animal brains lack prefrontal lobes, telepathy would probably not go beyond simplistic ideas such as hunger or danger signals, but many have seen two dogs look at each other and go running for an almost pre-decided location.

While humans may have once been capable of telepathy, as the species evolved and developed language, it was no longer needed as a form of communication. With the right stimulation humans may be able to call upon this dormant ability that includes abstract communication of ideas. Mental telepathy could be used to communicate, without the need for the use of the five senses.

However, there are some who feel that man may be able to develop ESP and telepathy and such psychic abilities in the near future. As man's psychic powers grow it may be possible for the entire race to become telepathic in the future.

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The Real Story Behind Detox Drinks

By Karl Mahone

It has become quite fashionable in some circles to take detox drinks in order to get rid of toxins from the body. But one has to ponder and question as to whether these detox drinks are as effective and useful as they are touted to be. This article is meant to address his question and look at the various benefits that detox drinks promise.

You do not have to go or look for to spot a wide host of detox drinks that seem to have flooded the market. These have various functions and while some provide nutrition, there are others which help to expel waste and dirty material from the body with force. A number of these detox drinksa re also made of juices and other ingredients that are said to be useful for detoxification.

Many of these drinks are able to facilitate effective bowel movement as they are quire replete with vitamin C. A good instance of these is lemon based drinks.

On one hand there are some people who feel that detox drinks are a boon to humanity and are wonder materials while there is a countering view of others that such materials just fill up your body with chemicals that are not so beneficial. However, you have to concede that this is a matter of individual views and choice.

Many people believe that water is the best natural detox drink which will help you achieving your health goal. However if you are consuming the chemical drink then you must read the instructions carefully and try to follow some guideless in order to get the best results.

The drinks contain the necessary vitamins like C, B1, B2 and B12 which helps in promoting weight loss as well. You must keep on consuming loads of water through out the day and special after drinking the detox drink. You should try to stay away from sugar and try not to eat too much.

Following a personal detox routine is one of the best ways to lose weight and also remove all kinds of impurities from your body. It is essential to drink large quantities of water and eat proper food, in addition to de-stressing as well as having exercise on a regular basis. In fact this would be much better than consuming chemical based drinks that are not actually natural.

In the long run, it is always better to keep away from detox drinks as these may have benefits only in the short run and may be harmful in the long run.

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Monday, 18 January 2010

What Are the Best Fitness Machines for Gyms at Home?

By Adriana Noton

When trying to put together a list of fitness machines for gym at home, it can be a little confusing and intimidating. There are so many things to consider before looking at the first piece of machinery and missing one detail can result in a lot of wasted money. Before you start drooling over that new BowFlex machine, make sure everything else is in line.

The room that is going to be the gym is the first thing that has to be looked at. If you don't know the space that you have, how can equipment be purchased for it? Imagine spending $10,000 on the best new equipment available only to find out that half of it doesn't even fit in the room.

Once the space has been established, the budget must be considered. Establishing how much money can be spent on each piece will keep you from spending too much on any one piece resulting in the need to get sub-par equipment for everything else. It is best to sit down and figure out exactly what is going to be allocated and to stick to those numbers.

Health is also something that must be considered. For instance, if you are 300 pounds and trying to get back in shape, the same equipment would not be used for someone that is a trim 180 and only interested in endurance. There are also those that cannot use equipment that will put a lot of strain on their backs. This will further narrow down the choice so of equipment that can be purchased.

The actual workout equipment is usually only one aspect of the items that go into a fitness room. There may also be things like rubber padding or mats, mirrors, water coolers and of course, the flat screen wall mounted TV to watch while you are on the treadmill running to nowhere. You may even want vibration machines for some relaxation. All of these things need to be accounted for and put into the overall budget.

When all of these details are finally ironed out, you can finally start shopping for your fitness equipment. While new equipment is easy to find, getting the best deal is going to take some work. Don't stop at the first site that you find just because they have what you are looking for. Use sites that offer comparison pricing to make sure that the best deal is the one you choose.

You can also decide to go with used equipment. If you do this, you can often get a better grade of equipment, but there may be some risk involved. Online dealers will also have this, just be sure that they is also something in the purchase agreement that will allow you to inspect the equipment to make sure that it is in good working order before you accept it.

While creating home gyms can be very enjoyable, there are also a lot of pratfalls that must be avoided to make sure that too much money is not being spent. Use the Internet to get the best prices. Just remember, now that you have your own gym, you no longer have any excuses for that spare tire that you have been getting away with carrying around.

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